Position Coursera as a global tech leader in the education and learning sector
- 70 pieces of coverage
- 25 interviews
- 15 content developed
Das Ziel
- Develop Coursera awareness in France
- Position Coursera as a global tech leader in the education and learning sector
- Showcase Coursera as an invaluable resource for countries and companies looking to transform their talent
Die Kampagne
The campaign allowed Coursera to be seen as a thought leader in France, based on the content we distributed to the media, using CEO Jeff Maggioncalada to share Coursera’s vision for the future of education and learning; as well as data and insights to anticipate the needs of the next generations and companies in line with the globalised digital era.
We used Coursera’s technical expertise in learning and education to highlight the need to adapt today’s tools to help employees and companies in France and around the world.
Die Ergebnisse
The availability of Jeff as a spokesperson and key annual reports has been a great opportunity to secure high level interviews and editorial exclusives with tier 1 media and quality coverage in tier 1 education, learning and business publications.