Construye tu reputación de marca e impacta a la audiencia correcta

Ballou es la agencia de Relaciones Públicas especializada en empresas del sector tecnológico y firmas de venture capital.

Agencia de relaciones públicas premiada

  • 4

    Sedes en Europa (Londres / París / Berlín / Barcelona)

  • 800

    empresas tech y startups gestionadas

  • 1000

    campañas de RRPP a nivel europeo

Sobre Ballou

Somos una agencia de relaciones públicas internacionales y comunicación especializada en el sector tecnológico y en las firmas de venture capital. Para cada proyecto reunimos a un equipo de expertos en el sector de actividad de tu empresa. Nuestros consultores, perfectamente familiarizados con los desafíos de cada mercado, brindan un soporte personalizado y sugieren estrategias adhoc enfocadas a lograr los objetivos establecidos en la campaña.

¿Cómo medimos el éxito de las campañas?

A través de un sistema de análisis cuantitativo de los principales indicadores del proyecto, como son el número de impactos, la audiencia total alcanzada o el porcentaje de target prioritario impactado, entre muchos otros. Además, podemos profundizar en las métricas por medio de los siguientes análisis: - Medición cualitativa de las menciones, los artículos publicados y el perfil de los lectores. - Análisis del tono de los mensajes, las palabras clave y las frases conceptuales principales, para entender mejor el impacto de la comunicación. - Análisis de la competencia para mejorar la influencia de nuestro mensaje.

¿Cómo diseñamos una campaña de Relaciones Públicas?

Cada proyecto cuenta con un equipo experto en consultoría de relaciones públicas que entiende a la perfección los requerimientos del mismo, manteniendo una constante comunicación con el cliente para estar al tanto de cada detalle. Gracias al acceso permanente a un panel de datos online podrá atender y analizar la actividad de la campaña. Asimismo, cada seis meses te presentamos un informe detallado donde puedes comprobar el rendimiento general de las acciones llevadas a cabo, con la posibilidad de ajustarlas si la estrategia lo requiere.

¿Qué hace que una campaña internacional sea exitosa?

Son varios los factores que influyen, pero uno de los principales, sin duda, se fundamenta en nuestra capacidad de elaborar estrategias de mensajes a nivel global, para luego adaptarlos a la realidad y situación de cada país y, de este modo, hacerlos más relevantes y eficaces.

Expandimos los mensajes principales de la estrategia a un contexto más amplio, recurriendo a formatos complementarios como las noticias locales o los eventos temáticos, entre otros. De este modo, maximizamos el impacto de tu campaña de relaciones públicas.

Casos de éxito

Trivago’s IPO - Initial public offering


Ballou's UK and German offices were retained by Trivago in early 2016 to support its European PR activities throughout its IPO on NASDAQ.

Alongside a US partner, Ballou's account team worked directly with Trivago's CEO and CFO. Ballou's account lead was on the ground at the NASDAQ in New York, working alongside Trivago's senior team and managing over 20 interviews with the founder and CEO.


An exceptionally successful day with widely positive coverage of the listing as well as broader messaging on the increasing importance of the European technology ecosystem.

  • 7% increase in share price on opening day
  • 20 interviews for C-Level executives
  • 135 profile pieces



Position Waze’s new business model, based on advertising, and reassure users that the tool will remain free with a smooth user experience.

  • 100 articles across Business, marketing, technology, and generalist media.
  • 20 interviews, including television, radio, print, and online publications.
  • 2 TV reports organized for M6 (in Paris) and Canal+ (in Tel Aviv).

No user loss due to advertisements.

On the contrary, at the beginning of the year, Waze registered 1.5 million active users, which more than doubled by the end of the year (approximately 3 million users).

Vinci Energies


Ballou was ehired to develop VINCI Energies’ reputation as a partner in digital and energy transformation, ecological transition in France, and to establish the brand as a key player in smart cities. Promoting VINCI Energies' innovation and open innovation policies as a key differentiator was also a priority.

  • 55 interviews with key media outlets (Les Echos, City Mag, JDN, Le Figaro, L’Usine Digitale...)
  • 250 articles published in 3 years.

Increase of Brand awareness for VINCI Energies and Yves Meignie, its CEO.

Better understanding of the organization's vision and value proposition, especially compared to VINCI.



Ballou was selected to:

  1. Increase Red Hat's visibility in the IT, finance, and telecommunications sectors while reaching a broader spectrum of the press,
  2. Position Red Hat as the leading open-source platform and hybrid cloud powered by Kubernetes in customers' minds across various verticals,
  3. Elevate the conversation around Open Source and its culture/principles such as Open Management by positioning Red Hat's spokespeople as visionary evangelists.
  • Average of 30 earned coverage per quarter,
  • 5 TV appearances,
  • 40 interviews, including 6 with national daily press (Les Echos, Le Figaro...)

Through a diversity of angles and formats, Ballou secured regular proactive opportunities with key media outlets, elevating Red Hat to a higher level to reach a broader audience of decision-makers.



Niu chose Ballou to launch its range of electric scooters. Beyond promoting their arrival in France, the PR campaign aimed to position NIU as a key player in the European mobility sector.

  • 460 articles
  • 4 eventful product launches
  • 30 interviews
  • 1 IPO

The launch of NIU in France was a great success with approximately 500 articles in mainstream and specialized media, including television coverage.

For the launches in the UK and Germany, the electric scooter manufacturer relied on our offices in London and Berlin.

Today, NIU is recognized as a key player in France, and it's quite common to spot their scooters on the streets of Paris.



Cloudflare engaged Ballou to publicize its establishment in France and the hiring of a local team. Subsequently, the agency was tasked with raising awareness of the company's expertise by positioning the French Managing Director on issues relating to internet security and performance, while continuing to communicate around the launch of each new offer.

  • 300 articles
  • 30 interviews
  • 5 TV and radio broadcasts

Over the past 3 years, Ballou has been working daily with Cloudflare to enhance its visibility in France. Thanks to a campaign based on expertise, we consistently secure interviews and appearances in specialized media (Le Mag IT, Silicon, IT For Business, etc.) as well as high-audience economic and general media outlets (Le Figaro, Journal du Net, Europe 1, BFM TV, etc.). The data (barometers, surveys, rankings, etc.) shared by Cloudflare ensures our regular mentions.