Make Couchbase the key player in modern databases
- 226 articles
- 2 TV broadcasts
- 16 interviews
La objetivo
Raise awareness of Couchbase in France
Communicate the company’s vision around data and IT B2B
Install Couchbase on themes related to customer needs (agility, transformation, speed…)
Make Couchbase the key player in modern databases
La campaña
Ballou ran a «three-pillars» campaign based on product and technology announcements to highlight Couchbase’s innovative DNA, thought leadership content to take the spokesperson’s vision to the next level, and corporate information to demonstrate the company’s momentum.
The first part of the campaign was dedicated to raising awareness of the Couchbase name among journalists.
We then focused on expertise through opinion pieces.
Los resultados
Ballou has successfully introduced Couchbase to journalists in a highly competitive environment (competition from traditional databases and other NoSQL players). Today, Couchbase’s new product announcements are routinely covered by our target media.
The expertise campaign has attracted the interest of business and business-oriented media. By taking a less technical approach based on the strategic issues facing business leaders, we were able to help them understand how NoSQL databases could solve their problems.