Create a drumbeat of press coverage to raise awareness of dott's sustainable business model
- 100 articles
- 269M readers and unique users reached
- 7 interviews
La objetivo
The first objective was to launch dott in Germany, starting with Munich, and create a drumbeat of press coverage to raise awareness of dott’s sustainable business model among a wider audience. The challenge was that there were already many other e-scooter providers and no one seemed to see the need for another. After the launch, the overall goal was to position dott as an environmentally and socially friendly company with an eye on nature and its resources.
La campaña
Ballou kicked off the campaign in November 2019 by securing an article in one of Munich’s biggest dailies, Abendzeitung, followed by 19 other reports, such as Computer Bild, t3n and Gründerszene, and interviews with selected mobility providers such as Ngin Mobility, movinc and Vision Mobility.
A few months later, we organised a warehouse visit and secured several interviews on site. After the launch in Munich, dott expanded to other German cities, resulting in coverage in numerous regional media such as Hamburger Abendblatt, Augsburger Allgemeine and Kölnische Rundschau. A highlight was an article in BILD, the largest national yellow press daily. We also secured a number of interviews with top business publications such as Handelsblatt, Wirtschaftswoche and Business Insider.
Los resultados
Within 7 months, Ballou successfully positioned dott in the German media landscape with 100 articles. We have raised awareness in national, business, start-up, mobility and regional media and created a drumbeat for further growth of dott, which recently secured a major round of funding.