White Star Capital

Develop a highly targeted influence campaign to strengthen its positioning in France

  • 50+ Articles secured in top tier medias in just three months of campaign
  • 10+ Interviews in the most authoritative business & tech medias such as Les Échos, French Press Agency (AFP), Le Monde and Maddyness

La objetivo

Ballou was selected by White Star Capital to develop a highly targeted influence campaign to strengthen its positioning in France, explain its multi-local approach to the ecosystem and highlight its impact on the French innovation economy.

La campaña

Ballou leveraged:
The success of White Star Capital’s business model and the fundraising of the local startups in its portfolio to raise awareness.
Government debates and initiatives through proactive news commentary to place the firm at the centre of media and institutional discussions.
The most media-worthy angles of a report on the French VC landscape for thought leadership positioning.

Los resultados

The success of the campaign led to a large number of strategic business meetings organised thanks to the visibility secured in high-profile publications. White Star Capital built relationships with the most influential opinion leaders covering its businesses, resulting in dedicated articles and mentions/quotes in most articles discussing the French startup landscape.

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