
Bringing a newly founded start-up to national recognition within only three months.

  • 20+ clippings in national and business publications
  • 30M people reached with just one of our pitches


The objective of the campaign was to bring a newly founded start-up with minimal budget to national recognition within only three months. A second purpose was to not only to generate new users but also to attract potential investors along the way

La Campagne

The main challenge in our work for Abfindungsheld has been the short timeframe and the minimal budget. This meant that we had to be concise, efficient and adaptive in our approach to communicating their market entry. We did not have the time to build sustainable relationships with influencers – so we had to take to this with a very streamlined three-step campaign. The three phases were complemented by a variety of smaller interview pitches and a series of guest articles we secured at and created for one of the leading German nationals, FOCUS Online.

Les Résultats

Ballou Germany developed a coherent launch and follow up campaign for abfindungsheld.de in the three months following the start-up’s launch. In addition to delivering hard-hitting pieces in all leading German start-up media outlets, Ballou PR secured coverage in virtually every major national publication, including BILD, DIE WELT, DIE ZEiT, Focus Online and brand eins, among pieces in leading business magazines and regional press

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