May you live in interesting times

Avatar photo Phil Dwyer - 2nd Jan, 2020

Humans like certainty.  From horoscopes to weather forecasts, we love feeling we’ve stolen a march on unpredictability by anticipating the future.  As we enter 2020 though, prediction suddenly seems like a much trickier game than usual.  Brexit, climate change, impeachments, unstable international relations, …the one consistency we’re guaranteed this year is inconsistency.

Rather than mourning the loss of stability, we can try and embrace change and difference.  It’s a positive we can draw from turbulent times.  #metoo was a hugely positive change that has shaken the worlds of business and entertainment.  Greta Thunberg appeared from nowhere and helped an entire generation think about their future.   Who knows what the state of the world will be when we write a blog post in 31 December 2020 – it may be a daunting thought from where we are now, but there WILL be positives.  Honestly.

A happy and prosperous New Year to all, from Ballou PR.

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