Media Training

Communicating key messages more effectively

The art of communicating with the media and at events is a complex but essential skill for business leaders and spokespeople.

As a European communications agency, Ballou offers media training: tailor-made support delivered by specialists.

Four tips for a successful interview
How to get your leadership team to agree to be media trained

Our training in public speaking techniques helps speakers improve the transmission of their messages and establish their position in front of their audiences:

  • Address your audience directly
  • Convey clear messages
  • Adapt your message to different types of media (general and specialist press, TV, radio)
  • Develop a communication strategy in a crisis situation

By learning to master the art of the interview, you can reinforce your authority and credibility with the media.

Training to speak effectively

As a spokesperson, speaking to the press or in public is a must. If you’re not at ease with it, mastering the fundamentals of media training will help you overcome your hesitations and speak more effectively.

Understanding what goes into a press, TV, or radio interview is essential for communicating effectively with the media. When you talk to a journalist, you want to reach an audience.

Our PR communications agency prepares your spokespersons with expert media training so you can:

  • Express yourself to suit different types of media (press, TV, radio, podcast).
  • Adopt the appropriate tone when speaking to different journalists.
  • Structure your speech clearly to ensure it is heard and retained by your target audience.

Attitude and posture are decisive: in front of a camera or in public, gestures and non-verbal communication can serve or, on the contrary, sabotage the message.

Speaking: the essentials

Speaking requires knowledge of the fundamentals of media training:

  • Preparing for any appearance in front of the media
  • Defining your message and angle of attack precisely
  • Simplifying your message to make it clearer
  • Illustrating what you say with examples to bring it to life
  • Maintaining a natural composure

Don’t wait for a crisis situation to master the art of the interview

We identify journalists and influencers with whom your company can build valuable relationships. By helping you to maintain a strong relationship with the media through regular interviews, we not only improve your company’s media coverage, but we also anticipate potential crisis situations:

  • Interviewing is a difficult exercise: Practising how to respond to what journalists have to say and putting across the right messages outside the context of a crisis is essential if you are to become more comfortable and confident.
  • Crisis management involves communicating with the media: Being well-prepared helps you manage stress and control your nonverbal communication (posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact)

Speaking in front of journalists is not an innate skill, even for company directors. This is especially true in times of crisis. That’s why it’s so important to take our agency’s PR media training courses to develop new skills.

Get support from our media training experts

By having our communications agency train you in public speaking, you’ll benefit from over 20 years of experience in working with the media.

Drawing on this expertise, we have designed a course in the fundamentals of PR media training designed to meet the specific needs of company directors. We aim to teach you the art of communicating in all types of media:

  • Defining the expectations of the press
  • Structuring key messages
  • Advice on the posture and attitude to adopt in interviews

Our tailor-made support is adapted to the needs of your spokesperson and takes place over a half day or full day, either on your own or in a group.

We advise on the content and form of the speech and the posture to adopt, and we organise and film mock interviews. Combining practice with theory is essential for controlling one’s image.

Our media relations experts will analyse the video with you to identify your strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement. The aim is to help you find the best communication strategy for your audience.

Ballou: who better to train in the art of the interview than a PR agency?

As a manager, you are one of your company’s spokespeople. You take responsibility every time you speak to the media. Controlling the image you project to journalists and other target audiences is essential if your company’s communications are to have the right impact.

Our expertise in communications since 2002 means that our agency can help you succeed in your speaking engagements. Consult our media training experts to learn more about our training course designed to teach you to master the art of the interview.

Ballou accompanies you

  • Media training
  • Key messages
  • Crisis communication
  • Interviews

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