
Position Livestorm as the best choice to organize video meetings and webinars

  • 380 pieces of coverage
  • 45 interviews
  • 2 fundraisings supported

The Objective

Livestorm contracted Ballou France for the announcement of its Series A funding round. In addition to maximize Livestorm’s visibility around this announcement, our objective was to raise awareness of the startup and its offer and to position Livestorm as the French video conferencing leader.

The Campaign

Ballou accompanied Livestorm for three years. After the first months of the campaign, the Covid pandemic arrived in Europe, forcing millions of employees to work from home. We positioned Livestorm as the French alternative for video conferencing through a strategy of concrete content (advice, studies, etc.). During these three years, our strategy also included the media coverage of the founder and CEO of Livestorm to make him emerge as a key personality of the French tech world.

The Results

Thanks to this strategy, we were able to reach a wide target of national media, beyond the IT press. We secured more than 45 interviews in high audience media: Le Monde, Le Figaro, TV News show on TF1, Europe 1, etc.

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