Ballou Brings it to Krakow

- 18th Dec, 2019

Cześć, jak się masz?   Forgive us, we are feeling slightly Polish as we recently enjoyed our annual off-site in lovely Krakow.  (Thanks very much to the Polish Tourist Board who helped us with the planning – they were fantastic).  The Ballou teams came to Krakow from France, Germany and the UK and alongside the amazing food (hurrah for pierogi!), the bowling, the flavoured vodkas and the tour of Krakow in golf buggies we DID do some work, namely a company planning meeting with a guest speaker who talked about what makes a good agency from a client point of view.

And happily, as the start to the festive season, it was all good news. Ballou has had an amazing year – award nominations, above industry average profits, above industry average staff training spend and very healthy growth.

So, plans for next year?  Well 2019 was all about adding new services like graphic design and SEO, so 2020 will be spent consolidating these new offers and building on change.

What a great start to Christmas 2019.

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